So long 2018, and hello to 2019!

by Rob Austin
2018 was WorkSite’s 5th year of existence and frankly, we’re a little sad to see it go! We made all sorts of great connections with new clients and started new projects while finishing a bunch of other ones. We created websites for industries we didn’t even know existed until we were asked to do the job. We successfully navigated our way through 7 WordPress security updates and 11 incremental WordPress 5.0 versions.
We backed up more than 30 sites so they could be restored in case of a digital disaster. Our portfolio of websites grew in directions we couldn’t have foreseen when WorkSite came into existence. We watched WordPress grow from powering 27% percent of websites to more than 30%. We also built a new site for ourselves, finally taking the advice we have given to so many clients in the past- a website is never finished, it should continually evolve into a new form.
Though we lost some great people in 2018, both family members and clients, 2019 begins with a feeling of optimism. We honored to get the chance to re-design sites we completed for some of our first clients years ago. We’ve begun using new customer relationship management software to keep track of everything. We’ve discovered new ways leverage our WordPress knowledge for new applications. 2019 means adding new clients, re-connecting with old ones, a new workflow and new directions are all in our future. We hope you’ll be a part of the journey.
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